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Users in the Czech Republic

Calls for LUMI Czech Republic allocations are issued by e-INFRA CZ, and IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center via an Open Access Grant Competition. The grant competition is announced 3 times a year (February, June, and October) for employees of research, scientific, and educational organizations and is open to all fields of science.

Employees of academic and research institutions who have their registered offices or a branch in the Czech Republic are eligible. Furthermore, persons and entities that have acquired and/or participate in implementing a research grant from the Czech Republic’s public resources are eligible. Citizenship does not affect applicants’ eligibility.

Please indicate LUMI access in the Open Access Grant Competition allocation form. LUMI allocations should primarily target the use of the GPU accelerators of the LUMI-G partition.

Evaluation of the proposals will be carried out by external reviewers, following the Open Access evaluation guidelines. Scientific excellence, computational readiness, and socioeconomic impacts of the application will be evaluated.

For queries contact the LUMI User Support Team; alternatively contact

Employees of academic and research institutions who have their registered offices or a branch in the Czech Republic are eligible. Furthermore, persons and entities that have acquired and/or participate in implementing a research grant from the Czech Republic’s public resources are eligible. Citizenship does not affect applicants’ eligibility.

Please indicate LUMI access in the Open Access Grant Competition allocation form. LUMI allocations should primarily target the use of the GPU accelerators of the LUMI-G partition.

The offer is not open for industrial users in the Czech Republic.